dynatree-for-jsf is a JSF 2 adapter for dynatree jQuery plugin ( dynatree allows to dynamically create html tree view controls using JavaScript.Why this adapter though Richfaces or Primefaces already implements> tree components ? Because dynatree has more features, is more mature, robust and is a prooven component.
Source code and sample are available on
Sample is running on Cloudbees at
This adapter handles events for all of the dynatree events. All events can be mapped to JSF ajax events.Here is a typical use of the adapter
onLazyRead and onActivate ajax events are binded to methods of the managed bean treeBean.
- lazyRead populates the tree dynamicaly.
- activate refresh a JSF panel with the selected node key.
This project does not include jquery, nor dynatree. You should include their by yourself.
I have create an example with an infinite ajax treeBrowse to http://localhost:8080/tree/tree.jsf